The French are on solid ground when they argue that competitiveness is no reason for devaluation 法国人认为不能以提高竞争力为由进行贬值,他们是有道理的。
I predict Internet stocks will be up reasonably high in 2014, giving the Internet giants 'solid ground from which to make more acquisitions. 我预计,网络股将在2014年出现适度增长,原因是大型互联网企业基础坚实,可以进行更多的收购。
The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。
The Bible says, "know where you are headed, and you will stay on solid ground." 圣经说:“知道你要往哪里去,你就能脚踏实地。”
Both sides agree that solid ground work has already been done by the two sides for the very important London meeting between our two heads of state. 双方一致认为,双方已为两国元首将在伦敦举行的这次十分重要的会晤打下坚实基础。
In its latest economic review the fund said that 'quick and comprehensive action' was needed to solidify weak banks and put the economy on more solid ground. IMF在最近的一份经济评估中说,越南需要采取快速和全面的行动加固脆弱的银行体系,巩固经济基础。
But it does give us the most solid ground yet for taking stock of where we stand today and establishing informed policies for the future. 但它为我们总结现状和为今后制定明智政策奠定了最坚实的基础。
But the Fed did caution investors, saying still has to endure some sluggish times before reaching solid ground. 但美联储同时警告投资者说美国经济尚在复苏过程中,实现顺利“着陆”平稳增长之前还会经历一段或长或短的“迟滞期”。
On solid ground will you stand. 你将立于不败之地。
And, as night fell, we decided to spend the night on solid ground rather than return to the ship. 当夜幕低垂时,我们决定在坚硬的地面上过夜而不愿回到商船上。
I can't seem to reach for solid ground. 我似乎找不到坚固的依靠。
They were on solid ground at last! 现在他们一颗心定下来了!
The Analysis and Prevention of Generator-Transformer Group Protection Caused by Neutral-point Solid Ground of Electronic Motor 发电机中性点直接接地引起发变组保护动作分析及预防
Traditionally that would have been seen in the US as another sign of the ruinous socialist ethos of Western Europe. But polls in the US say that Mr Obama is on solid ground, politically. 要是在以往,这在美国会被视为具有破坏性的西欧社会主义思潮的又一迹象,但美国民调显示,奥巴马在政治上拥有坚实的基础。
The medical value of Four Huai Medicines is acclaimed by the world, also plays a solid ground for industrialization of Serial Products of Four Huai Medicines. 四大怀药药用价值为世人称道,也为四大怀药的产业开发打下了良好的基础。
They were glad to leave the boat and put their feet on the solid ground. 他们很高兴能离开海船,回到坚实的陆地上。
Warm hearts on solid ground. 坚实的地面上的温暖的心。
It was after lunch that Mike Horn decided to approach closer to the coastline and the Young Explorers were able to disembark onto solid ground. 一用过午餐,麦克决定把船驶向海岸线,队员们于是能够登陆。
A good relationship has to be built on solid ground. 良好的关系是建立在坚实的基础之上的。
To stand on solid ground and be along with people are the feedback from my friends, I am an easy going person, but everything I do must be as perfect as possible. 脚踏实地与待人诚恳是朋友对我的评价,自认是一个随和,但力求完美的人。
The warmth, commitment, and strength of my teachers and neighbors put me on solid ground. 我的老师和邻居的温暖,奉献,力量是我坚实的基础。
You're on solid ground, mother. 你这个当母亲的完全站得住脚。
Have ambition at everywhere and not idealistic and not practical, stand on solid ground but challenge extreme limit again. 志在四方又不好高骛远,脚踏实地而又挑战极限。
The solid ground ended here. 陆地到此为止了。
Sure, it can be done, but it is much easier to juggle when one is standing on solid ground. 当然,这样也能做到,但是站在坚实地面变戏法就要容易得多。
Houses must be bulit on solid ground. 房屋必须建造在坚硬的土地上。
We need to get back on solid ground. 就必须打好坚实的基础。
If the structure is established on the bedrock or solid ground, this assumption is reasonable. 对于建立在基岩或坚实场地上的结构,这种刚性地基假定是合理的。